
Similarly to the installation, SQLWATCH can be upgraded in various ways.

Direct upgrade to 2.0 from previous versions is currently not supported. Due to the number of breaking changes I am working on manual data migration scripts, however until these are ready, please deploy as a new database. If you would like to retain old performance data you can rename or backup old SQLWATCH databases.

Upgrade with dbatools

To upgrade SQLWATCH using dbatools simply re-run the installation with Install-DbSqlWatch and it will automatically bring the database schema to the most recent version. If the database is already the most recent version the Install-DbaSqlWatch will not make any changes.

Upgrade with SqlPackage.exe

To upgrade with the command line utility SqlPackage.exe simply re-run the installation and it will automatically bring the database schema to the desired version.

Upgrade with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

To upgrade using SQL Server Management Studio please follow the installation steps with the only different being that instead of Deploy Data-tier Application you will have to click on the database you want to upgrade (SQLWATCH) and select Upgrade Data-tier Application

Last updated